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A List of Salvia Divinorum Legal States

Salvia divinorum, also known as diviner’s sage, is a powerful hallucinogenic plant that has been used for centuries in traditional healing practices.

In this article, we will explore the effects of salvia divinorum, including hallucinations, changes in perception, and mood alterations. We will also discuss the legal status of salvia divinorum in the United States, detailing which states have legalized its use and which have banned it. We will delve into the reasons for its illegality, potential penalties for possession in illegal states, and its potential medicinal uses.

Whether you are curious about its effects, legal status, or potential benefits, this article will provide you with valuable insights into salvia divinorum.

What Is Salvia Divinorum?

Salvia Divinorum, also known as Diviner’s Sage, is a psychoactive plant species that belongs to the mint family. It is native to the cloud forests of Mexico and has been traditionally used by indigenous cultures for spiritual and medicinal purposes. The plant contains psychoactive compounds, specifically salvinorin A, which induces altered states of consciousness and profound hallucinogenic experiences.

What Are The Effects Of Salvia Divinorum?

The effects of Salvia Divinorum are characterized by profound changes in perception, intense hallucinations, and significant alterations in mood. When consumed, the psychoactive compounds present in Salvia Divinorum can induce vivid visual and auditory hallucinations, distort time perception, and evoke intense emotional experiences.


One of the prominent effects of Salvia Divinorum is the induction of vivid and immersive hallucinations, often described as intense visual and auditory distortions that transcend conventional reality.

These hallucinations can manifest as swirling, kaleidoscopic patterns, shifting colors, and intricate geometric shapes, accompanied by the sensation of time distortion and altered perception of space. Users may also report hearing echoing voices, unfamiliar sounds, or musical melodies, adding to the surreal and disorienting nature of the experience.

The impact on sensory experiences is profound, with users feeling as if they are transported to a different dimension altogether, making the hallucinogenic effects of Salvia Divinorum a subject of great interest and curiosity among researchers and users alike.

Changes In Perception

Salvia Divinorum can lead to profound changes in perception, resulting in altered sensory experiences, distorted time perception, and an enhanced sensitivity to environmental stimuli.

These alterations can manifest as a distortion of the senses, with individuals reporting vivid visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as a heightened awareness of textures and patterns in the environment.

Temporal disorientation may be experienced, with time appearing to slow down or speed up, leading to a disconcerting feeling of timelessness. Individuals often report feeling a deep connection with nature and an enhanced appreciation for the beauty of their surroundings, indicating a heightened environmental awareness induced by the substance.

Mood Alterations

Consumption of Salvia Divinorum can trigger profound mood alterations, leading to intense emotional experiences, fluctuations in affective states, and the emergence of both euphoric and dysphoric emotions.

These emotional changes can vary widely between individuals, with some reporting a sense of euphoria and heightened pleasure, while others may experience feelings of unease, anxiety, or even paranoia. The effects on mood can be unpredictable, and users may find themselves navigating intense shifts in emotional intensity, from moments of elation to periods of deep sadness or despair.

The interplay between euphoria and dysphoria can create a rollercoaster of emotions, making the experiences with Salvia Divinorum both intriguing and potentially challenging for the user’s emotional well-being.

Is Salvia Divinorum Legal In The United States?

The legal status of Salvia Divinorum in the United States varies across different states, with some states permitting its sale, possession, and use, while others have enacted legislation to prohibit or regulate its availability. The regulatory landscape of Salvia Divinorum reflects the diverse perspectives and legal frameworks adopted by individual states towards psychoactive substances.

States Where Salvia Divinorum Is Legal

Several states in the United States have legalized the possession, sale, and use of Salvia Divinorum, recognizing its traditional and medicinal significance within certain cultural and spiritual contexts.

In California, Salvia Divinorum is legal for individuals aged 18 and above, provided it is not marketed for human consumption.

Meanwhile, in Delaware, the plant is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, placing it in the same category as heroin and ecstasy.

When it comes to cultural considerations, some states with indigenous populations, such as New Mexico and Oregon, have acknowledged the traditional use of Salvia Divinorum in their tribal ceremonies.

States Where Salvia Divinorum Is Illegal

Certain states in the United States have deemed Salvia Divinorum illegal, imposing restrictions on its sale, possession, and consumption due to concerns regarding its psychoactive effects and potential health risks.

Some of the states that have specifically banned Salvia Divinorum include Delaware, Florida, Illinois, and Missouri. The legislative prohibitions in these states often classify Salvia Divinorum as a Schedule I controlled substance, placing it in the same category as heroin and LSD.

The rationale behind this classification stems from the potency of its psychoactive properties and the potential for abuse, leading to concerns about public health and safety. These regulatory restrictions aim to prevent misuse and protect individuals from the potential adverse effects associated with the consumption of Salvia Divinorum.

What Are The Reasons For Salvia Divinorum Being Illegal?

The prohibition of Salvia Divinorum in certain jurisdictions is attributed to various reasons, including concerns about potential health risks associated with its consumption, the lack of regulatory oversight surrounding its use, and the clash with cultural and religious beliefs that influence its perception and acceptance.

Potential Health Risks

The classification of Salvia Divinorum as illegal in certain regions is influenced by concerns regarding potential health risks, including the impact on mental well-being, cognitive functions, and the potential for adverse psychological effects associated with its consumption.

This psychoactive substance has been associated with altered mental states, including hallucinations, delusions, and disturbances in perception. The potential cognitive impacts are of particular concern, as studies suggest that prolonged use may affect attention, memory, and decision-making processes.

From a psychological perspective, some individuals report feelings of anxiety, paranoia, or dysphoria after using Salvia Divinorum. These adverse effects underscore the need for individuals to approach its consumption with caution and awareness of the potential health implications.

Lack Of Regulation

The absence of comprehensive regulatory frameworks and guidelines for the responsible use of Salvia Divinorum has contributed to its illegal status in certain jurisdictions, raising concerns about potential misuse, abuse, and public safety implications.

Without proper oversight, the unregulated distribution and consumption of Salvia Divinorum can pose significant dangers to individuals and public health.

The lack of legal parameters could result in increased likelihood of inappropriate use, further exacerbating the potential for adverse effects.

The absence of quality control measures in unregulated markets heightens the risk of contaminated or impure products reaching consumers, compounding the public safety concerns associated with this potent substance.

Cultural And Religious Beliefs

The divergence of cultural and religious beliefs regarding the spiritual and ceremonial use of Salvia Divinorum has contributed to its illegal status in certain regions, reflecting clashes between traditional practices and contemporary regulatory standards.

This conflict stems from the deeply ingrained cultural and religious significance of Salvia Divinorum in various indigenous communities. For centuries, it has been utilized in sacred rituals and healing ceremonies.

The clash between these traditional uses and modern legal frameworks has sparked debates about the preservation of cultural heritage and religious freedoms. This clash also raises questions about the imposition of restrictive drug laws. As a result, the legality of Salvia Divinorum is a complex and multifaceted landscape of perspectives.

What Are The Penalties For Possessing Salvia Divinorum In Illegal States?

In states where Salvia Divinorum is deemed illegal, the possession, sale, or use of the substance can lead to severe penalties, including financial fines, potential incarceration, and the imposition of probationary measures, reflecting the stringent enforcement of anti-Salvia Divinorum legislation.


The possession or distribution of Salvia Divinorum in illegal states may result in significant financial fines, as part of the punitive measures designed to deter the illegal trade and consumption of the psychoactive substance.

These fines can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the severity of the offense and the respective state laws. Offenders may also face additional court costs and legal fees, further increasing the financial burden.

The imposition of substantial monetary penalties serves as a strong deterrent, discouraging individuals from engaging in illegal activities involving Salvia Divinorum. It not only aims to punish offenders but also to protect public health and safety by dissuading the circulation of this controlled substance in unlawful ways.

Jail Time

Individuals found guilty of possessing or trafficking Salvia Divinorum in illegal states may face the prospect of incarceration, with the duration of imprisonment being determined by the severity of the offense and the prevailing legal statutes.

The legal consequences for Salvia Divinorum-related offenses vary widely, with some states imposing substantial prison time for offenders.

A first-time offender may receive a shorter sentence, typically ranging from several months to a few years, while repeat offenders or those involved in large-scale trafficking operations may face more extensive incarceration, potentially resulting in double-digit years behind bars.

This serves as a clear deterrent, but the impact of imprisonment on individuals involved in non-violent drug offenses has also been subject to criticism, leading to debates on reforming punitive actions in the justice system.


In some cases, individuals involved in illicit activities related to Salvia Divinorum may be subjected to probationary measures, including supervised release and adherence to specific legal conditions, as part of the penalty for violating anti-Salvia Divinorum regulations.

Probation for such offenses can involve regular reporting to a probation officer, participation in drug counseling programs, and restrictions on travel. These measures aim to monitor and support the individual’s rehabilitation and prevent further involvement in illegal activities.

The probationary period may entail drug testing, financial restitution to victims or the community, and refraining from association with known criminals. The supervision and conditions imposed during probation serve to deter future offenses and promote law-abiding behavior.

Can Salvia Divinorum Be Used For Medicinal Purposes?

While Salvia Divinorum has been traditionally utilized for its spiritual and ceremonial significance, there is ongoing exploration into its potential medicinal uses, with research indicating the presence of compounds that may hold therapeutic promise for addressing certain health conditions.

Traditional Medicinal Uses

Historically, Salvia Divinorum has been employed in traditional medicine for addressing various ailments and promoting spiritual well-being, with indigenous cultures utilizing the plant in ritualistic and healing practices.

Salvia Divinorum has been traditionally used to treat a variety of conditions, including headaches, digestive disorders, and pain relief.

Aside from its medicinal properties, Salvia Divinorum also holds cultural significance. It is often incorporated into spiritual ceremonies, where it is believed to facilitate communication with the spiritual realm and aid in self-reflection. This ancient tradition reflects the deep-rooted connection between nature and healing within indigenous communities, emphasizing the holistic approach to well-being that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person’s health.

Potential Medical Benefits

Emerging studies have suggested potential medical benefits associated with the compounds present in Salvia Divinorum, with research pointing towards its pharmacological properties and the exploration of its therapeutic potential for addressing certain health conditions.

Recent studies have shown the potential for using Salvia Divinorum in medicine, particularly in treating depression, addiction, and chronic pain. Ongoing research is exploring the specific actions of its compounds and their ability to affect neural pathways related to mood and pain. These findings offer hope for the development of new treatments using Salvia Divinorum as a source of medicinal compounds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Salvia Divinorum legal in all states?

No, Salvia Divinorum is not legal in all states. It is important to check the laws and regulations in your specific state before purchasing or using Salvia Divinorum.

What is a list of Salvia Divinorum legal states?

Currently, Salvia Divinorum is legal in only a handful of states. These include California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

Is Salvia Divinorum legal for medicinal use?

No, Salvia Divinorum is not legal for medicinal use in any state. It is still considered a Schedule I controlled substance by the DEA, meaning it has no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.

Are there any age restrictions for purchasing or using Salvia Divinorum in legal states?

Yes, most legal states have age restrictions for purchasing and using Salvia Divinorum. In some states, the minimum age is 18, while in others it may be 21. It is important to check the laws in your specific state.

What are the penalties for possessing or using Salvia Divinorum in states where it is illegal?

Penalties for possessing or using Salvia Divinorum in illegal states vary, but can include fines, probation, and even jail time. It is important to be aware of the consequences before purchasing or using Salvia Divinorum.

Is Salvia Divinorum legal for recreational use in any states?

No, Salvia Divinorum is not legal for recreational use in any states. It is important to use caution and follow all laws and regulations when using this substance, even in legal states.